Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

I know very well it's two days early and I keep running over with the flashlight to check for pips. I'm glad to see everyone else is anxious too
I'm dying to open up that incubator and see if there's still movement... I'm being good, though, I won't touch it!

We moved our bin with the three newest babies over near the bator. They had to get out of my bedroom. These little brats are the most lively things I've ever seen, they just never sit still and shut up! Between the finches and the peeps we've been getting non-stop chit-chat all night. So, I have my peepers peeping at it for me!
I know very well it's two days early and I keep running over with the flashlight to check for pips. I'm glad to see everyone else is anxious too
I'm dying to open up that incubator and see if there's still movement... I'm being good, though, I won't touch it!

We moved our bin with the three newest babies over near the bator. They had to get out of my bedroom. These little brats are the most lively things I've ever seen, they just never sit still and shut up! Between the finches and the peeps we've been getting non-stop chit-chat all night. So, I have my peepers peeping at it for me!

That's a good idea!! I did that one year...I actually went to the feed store and bought some chicks and put the brooder in my room. (I had planned on buying chicks anyway, but I wanted to wait to see how many of my eggs hatched.) none of them ended up hatching since they were shipped and didn't develop well, but I can imagine how a REAL chick's peep could be encouraging to get the heck out of that egg!
GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got nuttin!

Been good most of the day and carried Makayla into the house. Put her to bed. Ran out to check and see if egg #2 or more in the nest boxes. Nuttin!

Checked the yard and the coop floors. Nuttin!

Checked the extra nesting boxes on the patio and the patio area where last nights got kicked in the dirt. Nuttin!

Checked the bators, everything is perfect. Do I have pips or hear peeps??? Nope! Nuttin!

It's exciting to see that some of you have things rockin though.

Congrats to all!
your not alone i got nuttin either. i hope they are just waiting till im away tomorrow & then ill be getting txts bout how ive got pips.

cmon chickys
your not alone i got nuttin either. i hope they are just waiting till im away tomorrow & then ill be getting txts bout how ive got pips.

cmon chickys

They're waiting for my BDAY! They'lll be right on time.

Better be here before I take that 2 hour drive to the cemetery friday to take my husband his BDay flowers. Although I might ok there since I won't be sitting crosseyed at the bator.
Just got caught up with this thread!

Good luck you all!

Today the 2nd Annual Easter Hatch thread will open.

It gives us 2 months to get ready to set.

Hope you'll be ready to give it another whirl in two months!
Five babies so far here! One other looks like it pipped and died (big beak sticking out, but no movement). Lots of other pips.

ETA: 'beak out' chickie is still alive!

Here are my first five out in my 'recovery room'.

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