Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

I am just sure we are not gonna get anything. We have no clue what we are doing. We followed what they guy said to do that let us borrow the incubator and gave us the eggs, which was not much.

We put them in on the 13th, around noon, so that would be tomorrow for hatch day right? Nothing is happening. I candled them before we took the turner things out and I think 5 are good. But I am seeing nothing yet. No peeps, no pips, nada!

I don't think I will do this again. If we need more chickes, we are gonna get some chicks!!!!

You would think I could handle this! I am almost a midwife! I do this with humans ALL the time! Why am I so stressed? AHHHHHH lol!
Sorry to hear that. I hope something hatches and surprises you! I see you are joining the Easter Hatch too.

Oh yes, and I just joined the Valentines Day one too. I'm a hatchaholic for sure!

Now I found a cheap source of fertile eggs I'm going to try again. Won't try shipped ones again till I run a batch of cheapies through the new bator on the auto turner and make sure it's all behaving. My shipped eggs aren't doing well on their sides in the semi auto though the ones I picked up (last weeks hatch) did great. Aircells all over the place in the shipped eggs.

Don't stress babyrnlc, Linda is right, I'm ahead of you because I'm in Australia. Be sure to give yours more time. I'm still
I get something but I KNOW I've had issues this round.
i hear cheeping!

21 days is not till tomorrow so i am very excited to hear signs of life even though no pips yet.

Hang in there guys. And congratulations to those with pips and fuzzy buts already.

I am never going to sleep tonight!
Careful lady, the men in white coats may be on their way!
Just point them here and we'll convince them your not crazy... just a hatchaholic!

(singing) "They're coming to take me away ha ha.. They're coming to take me away ho ho..."

Two out of the three that went into lockdown have hatched and the last has pipped and is rockin!

Meanwhile...I was up all night watching and I am exhausted! I think I am going to do as the chicks are doing and take a nap!
I have three pipped!!!! yay!!! I came back from the store with my meme and there they were all their little beaks were poking out yay!!!
I am not gonna sleep all night. I will be going in the other room to look. I wish it was in my room, but I do prenatal appointments in there so I cannot have the incubator in there.

I was not impatient at all, but now it all hit me and I am so nervous and excited lol. It is like the first time I was pg. Hello, they are just chicks! I am stressing more than when I am at a birth!
BooBear I know that Texas might not get real cold but I would bet you if you wanted to find those hand warmers you could go to the hunting section of a sports store or even maybe Walmart. I know Texas is big on hunting and hunters don't like cold hands.

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