Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

WOW!! I am totally confused!! I must have marked one of my eggs with the wrong date because I just looked back through the messages from the 13th and sure enough, I set them on the 13th.. But, I have an egg marked 1/14?!?!?!! I KNOW I didn't put an egg in a day late... And I think I did put my eggs in the bator in the afternoon so i guess this is only day 20.. There's still hope!!

Concerning the handwarmers.........
We lost power when my last batch was a few days old..................
I put handwarmers under a towel and those little chicks found them layed on them.really snuggled.
It was so sweet.and they did great...
Didn't lose any..
Still nothing here so I am going to make a chicken pot pie from scratch to keep myself busy.
I hate this part and my Chritmas hatch was so bad it makes me worry.
My NYH was bad also........
The Christmas hatch was the first time I spent big bucks on shipped eggs.
Couldn't believe hatches prior to that had been pretty good..........

Oh,to our friend in Australia..........I need some of your sun.
I have been so cold i have been sitting with a heating pad on my feet..........
and I cannot feel the tips of my fingers........
I got cold when I worked in the barn this morning and just cannot warm up.
Sure wish I had feathers....

Maybe I will come back as a silky in my next life............
Later....and good hatching everyone.
We just had the cub scouts here for den meeting and actually had a chick cooperate by hatching while they were here... We have now educated a few 8-9 year olds on hatching... I bet I know what the topic of conversation will be at dinner tonight!!

That makes 8 out and I think we have 8 pipped...
I have 2 chicks and 6 eggs pipped.

Here is one of my little cuties!
I'm really excited about this one! It is from my Lavender Ameraucana roo and a half silkie half Ameraucana hen. It came out Lavender color with some silkied feathers!!!! Oh I hope it is a pullet and will lay green eggs! I also hope I get more that look like this! It is my own little creation.

I had two eggs pipped when I left for work this morning, hoping for at least 2 babies when I get home tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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