Chipped beak = bottom of the pecking order


7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
Before I noticed the chip all was well, no one was at the top and no one at the bottom, because there's only two. They were just two best buds. Now the slightly older (about a week older) one has a chip in her beak, the younger ones been picking on her, trying to stand on her, nipping at her tail when she thinks I'm not looking. She tries to fight it by standing up for herself but she gets to excited and bumps the other ones chest and I have to break it up.
Silly girls
Here the both are, if click for the larger photo you can see the chip
I'm going to get a third chicken from my local feed store when I extend my coop so things can be sorted out fairly, I think they're just struggling cos it's only the two of them, they can't fully turn on each other
So yeah soon I shall extend and buy a 15 week old to add to me 17 week olders, I was so happy when I found out I could skip the stage where I have to keep them indoors, they stunk up the bathrom!
You might want to take a pair of nail clippers and trim her beak so it's not chipped like that. It could split further it she catches one side on something. Just take two clips. One on each side, no higher than the top of the chip.
Hm I'll give it a go but she really hates to be held
Well she put up quiet a fight but I rapped her in a towel and managed to nip off the very tip of one side that was hanging out of the beak, the other side and what remains of the chip is too awkward to cut off
See how you're sitting in your picture? Wrap her up and put her between your feet and back side on the floor. Hold her with your legs. Have her facing whichever way you need depending on whether you're right or left handed. Grab her by the head and hold her still. Get that other side clipped too so you don't get a bigger split in her beak. If it splits all the way up, her beak may stop growing and that would be bad.

I don't mean to sound bossy, but it would be a bad idea to leave the job half done. Bad for your bird and I'm sure you don't want to do that.

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