Chirping coming from eggs!!!

Oh no! Well, since none are externally pipped yet, I would go ahead and take out one at a time briefly and put them up to your hear to listen. Very lightly scratch on the shell with your fingernail and talk to it, see if you can hear any response. You should be able to hear any light scratching or peeping that way better much better then from the incubator. I'm just getting a little worried about them as well now. :/ Let me know what you hear! If you don't hear anything at all, go ahead and candle and see if there is any movement going on.
I scratched the eggs, whistled and there was no response,
I could see a duckling in the air cell on one but it wasn't moving at all. Not one movement or one peep.

I am utterly heart broken. I am going to keep them in there for a few days but I think they have all died.

I don't think I can do this again.. it is too upsetting! :(

Thank you for all your help and support!

One was alive on day 25. What could have caused it to die so late on? :(
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Oh no, I'm so so very sorry Jessica. That is just heart-breaking. :(

I had a couple of really bad, disappointing hatches last year (shipped eggs) that left me pretty upset as well. This year I have my own eggs and just popped some into my incubator yesterday and am hoping for a better result. Don't give up because of one bad hatch, ok? We learn from what went wrong and just fix it for next time. I know you had the temperature spike, so that was likely the culprit. Don't be afraid to give it another go, ok? Sending virtual hugs!
Thank you Orca.. It really is heart breaking.

I got attached to them even when they were inside the eggs peeping.

Hopefully you get a successful hatch.. that would be lovely. I might buy a new incubator with a digital thermometer. I have sight problems so can't see the temperature very well.
It would certainly help if I can keep it stable.

Thanks again for the help. I just hope they didn't suffer a horrible death.

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