Cholesterol free eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 8, 2014
Which poultry species produces cholesterol free eggs? My mom has high cholesterol and i want to help her lower it down
You have to just eat the egg whites I think. No egg is cholesterol free that I'm aware of. However you should look into the research that suggests eggs provide good cholesterol and helps fight the "bad" cholesterol.
My cardiologist said i can have 7-8 chicken eggs per week without worrying about cholesterol. Now red meat is another thing all together. Sounds like you need to research what foods to limit, its easy to ask your doctor or even ask for a referral to a nutritionist. good luck.
My cardiologist and my vascular surgeon both said the same thing as GrandmaBird's - the protein and good stuff in eggs far outweigh the possibility of cholesterol problems from them. The body is going to produce it's own cholesterol to some degree anyway, and they said that for too many years people lived in terror of the tiny egg....and the residual of that fear still lives on.

In addition to researching a practical diet, it's important to know what "kind" of cholesterol problems your mom has. In my case I have Familial hypercholesterolemia.....basically extremely high cholesterol that was inherited. It wouldn't much matter if I never touched another egg or juicy steak - I'll still have high cholesterol unless we control it with medication, exercise, and some dietary restrictions. My beloved eggs are okay - in moderation, like everything else. Should have seen the celebration around here when my overall cholesterol level went down to 385!
Knowing what the high cholesterol stems from helps fight the war and knowing whether or not a large part of it is just inherent to that patient is so helpful!

And you are such a good daughter to want to do the best for her! You're a keeper!

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