Christmas Hatch-A-Long

Our hatches are officially complete. Our 4 little Silkies I posted about yesterday are doing great. Running around, jumping on mama, all the normal things littles do.

Our 3 Orpington eggs all hatched! And they're doing great. Mama Raven is doing a fantastic job for a first timer. All the chicks are happy, healthy and very energetic. So happy with this winter hatch! I think we're going to have some pretty birds again!



Candled last night and it looks like just 1 still alive. It looks the right size and if im not imagining things, it almost looks like it's in place to pip. I've leae the other eggs in the incubator just cuz. Well fingers crossed for this last guy
I hope your hatch is going well, the 5 chicks I hatched on Thanksgiving weekend are 4 weeks old and so big now! It has been cold here, but when I go see them they are stretched out and cozy.
I gave my roos away, then wanting to use my younger LO roos and tried to put eggs in incubator for an early MLK day hatch, Only one was developing The young LO roos were not doing the deed.
developing single egg is on day 5. I put in more eggs hoping more eggs will be fertile (i heated them in a sep. incubator), but who knows if those are fertile.... If my one fertile egg hatches, it my be one of those spoiled lonely house chickens at least until late jan.
We have babies, out of 13 that went into lockdown for my friend we have 13 little fluff balls. Out of 17 of mine that went into lockdown 11 fluff balls running around the brooder and the 2 still in the bator.
love the look on that one's face
a good assortment of colors, blonds, redheads, chipmunk stripes, and little black ones.....
the ones for my friend are mostly mixed with Ameracauna (or more probably EE) and some speckled Sussex. So far very exciting
:eek:Ahhh! my head will pop- the cute-ness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am screaming in another manner, hubby is on one of his "I cannot find my....-----------" fill in the blank, could be a bike lock he had when he was 14, this time it was some climbing certificate from the 80's that he had, he doesn't like to rest until he finds the what ever, and he came very close to finding an incubator with eggs in!!!:oops:

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