chronic poopy butt


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 22, 2009
Central VA
One cuckoo maran in my flock of 8 mixed hens has an incredibly nasty butt, caked w/poop which, I'm assuming when it comes out, is runny. In their run i don't see any strange looking poo, but have noticed loose-looking poop in the coop after being closed in at night. She is laying daily but what a messy egg, covered with the stuff, so I know it's hers. No blood or strange coloring to it, just less solid than her peers. She looks healthy, eats well, acts normal, etc. They get organic feed, fresh water, oyster shell, and treats of cheerios-oatmeal-mealworms, scratch on a cold day and free range approx 1.5 hours per day. This has been going on for several weeks - none of the others have any of the same symptions. Should I be worried about disease? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I recommend you use warm water to loosen up the poop on her rear and use scissors to trim back the fluff and feathers as well. Inspect the area for lice or mites. Try giving her plain yogurt or buttermilk (probiotics) with scrambled egg (protein) mixed with layer feed to make a mash and give that to her for a few days. Maybe that will get her digestive system back in proper working order.

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