Chronicles of Raising Meat Birds - Modern Broilers, Heritage and Hybrids

Waaaaaaa. 17 hour trip today. A holdup at the processor.

but I will say.... the pastured poultry community is so nice. I’ve met some really incredible farmers at the processor that have shared so much valuable insight and friendship. It was a great day as I took my son for the first time and there were several other kids there he got to pal around with while we waited. I was a little concerned at three maybe this was all too soon but he couldn’t have been more proud to get his “dinner chickens” back at the end of the day.:love

more later after I’ve had time to go through things, but I’m so impressed with the improvements of this batch. At 9 weeks I’ve got mostly 4+ lb whole birds. It seems two things were added when I went those extra three weeks.... a little breast (breast parts of these were .6 lbs vs .85 last time) and fat. There’s less fat on these.

the farmer I spoke with the most today said that it is undoubtedly due to changes in the two weeks of brooding. Categorically the most important part of raising meat birds is the first two weeks. :caf
That's a long time 😯
I have always believed that the sooner a chick starts eating the better but I don't have any 'proof' other than just bits and pieces I've picked up from reading different places.

I have the following post bookmarked and want to share it with you.

Not quite the same thing but very similar.
My chicks eat instantly when I put them in the brooder. I usually wait maybe 20 minutes after hatching then they're in the brooder.
I have always believed that the sooner a chick starts eating the better but I don't have any 'proof' other than just bits and pieces I've picked up from reading different places.

I have the following post bookmarked and want to share it with you.

Not quite the same thing but very similar.

my next batch of broilers I want to incubate myself to hatch same day as some to be shipped. I’ll band one set and see exactly what differences happen later on in life from the ones who ate immediately at my place and those who were forced to use the yolk for energy during shipment.

after all that’s talked about the importance brooding and the first week or two, I am the most curious about this specific variable.

my next batch of broilers I want to incubate myself to hatch same day as some to be shipped. I’ll band one set and see exactly what differences happen later on in life from the ones who ate immediately at my place and those who were forced to use the yolk for energy during shipment.

after all that’s talked about the importance brooding and the first week or two, I am the most curious about this specific variable.
I live for these type of experiments.
I’ve been MATCHED!!!

I’m fairly certain I’ll take the dog even though the timing with selling the house is less than ideal. the ones with white tips were always my favorites and they’re getting exposed so early to poultry it’s just really feels right.

that.... and... that face!

I got this last batch of chicks from the incubator, to the brooder with food, about 24 hours af
I’ve been MATCHED!!!

I’m fairly certain I’ll take the dog even though the timing with selling the house is less than ideal. the ones with white tips were always my favorites and they’re getting exposed so early to poultry it’s just really feels right.

that.... and... that face!

View attachment 2039168
Oh my goodness! :love

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