Chronicles of Raising Meat Birds - Modern Broilers, Heritage and Hybrids

Yeah, skinning still takes effort, it's just a different effort lol. I prefer to use my plucker, but setting that and the scalder up and down is more work than skinning.
Then I'll stick to skinning. It wasn't bad at all. I'm just super hungry now. I haven't eaten all day. I'm plant based too 😂 so I can't believe I did all this. But I'll be real proud when I'm cooking it for my family.
Setting up scalder and plucking is worth that crispy skinned deliciousness(young cockerels on the grill). I don't do more than 5 at a time either.
I'm right there with you. We also use the skin as the fat component when we make sausage.

Speaking of sausage, I just took out my holding cages. We're running out of sausage and I've got more hens than I need. Ugh. I hate processing hens. But, we need more meat, and don't need the dozen eggs a day we are getting right now.
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I'm right there with you. We also use the skin at the fat component when we make sausage.

Speaking of sausage, I just took out my holding cages. We're running out of sausage and I've got more hens more than I need. Ugh. I hate processing hens. But, we need more meat, and don't need the dozen eggs a day we are getting right now.
I need to get a grinder for chicken sausage. We are looking into some

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