Chronicles of Raising Meat Birds - Modern Broilers, Heritage and Hybrids

I'll eat the hearts and the gizzards. Just can't get past the taste of the liver. I'll use them for stock and get just enough flavor to be acceptable. You want these? They are fresh!
They would not longer be fresh by the time the Post Office got them here!🤢 They do not rate the expensive packed in dry ice 2 day priority trip like Salmon from Alaska.
Is there a reason not to cut the esophagus and trachea? Just curious
My understanding of why not to cut the trachea is to keep the heart and lungs working as long as possible after the arteries are cut so the bird will bleed out completely. Blood entering the lungs immediately will stop oxygen from getting to the heart, less bleeding out. The bird looses consciousness after the arteries are cut, not in pain, but the heart and lungs still work just as they would if the bird were asleep.
To that point, slice just below the jaw to under the ear. I tend to slice the right left side since the esophagus and trachea are on the left right side. Occasionally, I'll catch a feather and have to slice more. Not the best either. If the blood is free flowing, good job.

I try not to cut the esophagus and trachea, although some people slice the throat straight across. See decapitation. There is no wrong way. Find one that works for you.
Yes, there is no wrong way as long as you get it done
That one that I had hatched from the shipped egg's that @Compost King had sent to me hatched from the egg that was marked "FNN", so I guess he should still have a record of what that ment.
FNN Meant Female Naked Neck. My memory tells me that the mother was was a recessive White full (no bibs or bowties) Naked Neck x Red Ranger and the Father was Silver Grey Dorking x Red Ranger.
FNN Meant Female Naked Neck. My memory tells me that the mother was was a recessive White full (no bibs or bowties) Naked Neck x Red Ranger and the Father was Silver Grey Dorking x Red Ranger.

Ok, Thank you! I'll have to write that down, and so will @Parront if she want's to keep track of it.
Moyer’s Imperial Broiler aside an Ideal Easter Egger. The broiler is around 4 pounds. The EE isn’t.

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