Chronicles of Raising Meat Birds - Modern Broilers, Heritage and Hybrids

My old cookbooks do not call for cooking jerky. New ones do. Reason = e.coli157. We do not eat any uncooked meat since the 90's.
My family eats steak almost raw. I’ll boil them a bit I guess but it will be too chewy I think with chicken and turkey jerky.

I learned jerky from a hunting family. None of them ever got sick 😂
Mine does get hot enough, but cooking it beforehand prolly isn't a bad idea. I was thinking of trying some with ground turkey/chicken/etc. I do have the pink salt (not Himalayan—preserving) and a jerky gun I've yet to use... :oops: Is it ever safe to dehydrate ground poultry meat? I'm not a big fan of super chewiness, having a mouth full of crowns. (And I think they call 'em crowns to make you feel better about the cost—doesn't work on me.😕)
I LIKE chewy jerky, LOL. There is ground jerky in the store, just do not like it. If I had tooth problems, I might like it better, though! ;)
That's me as well. I love crispy chicken skin. I've also gotten faster at plucking over the years, so it doesn't seem like a ton of work to me now. We've actually never skinned a chicken before. Once, when I mentioned off hand that some people skin their chickens to save time, my husband looked genuinely horrified -- "they throw away the SKIN?"
People used to look at you askance if you admitted to liking and 🤯 actually eating chicken skin! Oh the humanity! Horrors! :lau I used to sneak-eat mine when no one was looking. 😅
People used to look at you askance if you admitted to liking and 🤯 actually eating chicken skin! Oh the humanity! Horrors! :lau I used to sneak-eat mine when no one was looking. 😅
I never liked chicken skin but my husband does, but he would rather me skin the chickens. I’m cooking a rotisserie chicken in the instant pot when it’s done I pop it in the oven for a few crispy pieces. I usually put bbq on it or something when I broil it in the oven
I never liked chicken skin but my husband does, but he would rather me skin the chickens. I’m cooking a rotisserie chicken in the instant pot when it’s done I pop it in the oven for a few crispy pieces. I usually put bbq on it or something when I broil it in the oven
A little like what I do par-boiling it. You could cook it all the way done in the pressure cooker to make it tender, then finish it on the BBQ the next day, I suppose!

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