Chunky yolks?


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Petaluma, Ca
Hey everyone, sure hope this is the right place to post this. I have been buying our eggs from a house down the road until ours start laying and recently a bunch of them have been more or less chunky in texture. They are not runny at all when I go to beat them up. I have not eaten any since seeing this and almost all the rest have been like this.

They have a roo or two and they have a mixed bunch of breeds and ages. Is this a fertilized egg or is it due to weather or something? I can't really ask them due to a language barrier issue if they eat them or not if they are like that so I figured someone here would have some experience on the subject.
chunky like cottage cheese chunky? I wouldnt eat that either. I would be worried that the eggs where not fresh or that the chunks where worms.
It just seems that instead of it kinda bursting and the yolk being runny, it broke and just kinda stayed in the form. I started to beat it with a fork and it just kinda cut through it. It was like a soft cream cheese. I've had store bought eggs and wouldn't they be typicaly older than anything we would eat by gettin eggs from local chooks? I think I did eat one sunny side up and kinda noticed. Kinda grossed me out lol. I've been on egg strike since then and finally broke down and had to eat store bought spares for breakfast this morning. There are only so many days in a row that I can go without eggs in the morning. xD
I would try to get past the language barrier and show them the eggs were funny. Fertlized eggs look and taste like regular ones unless they have been too long under heat and have a red spot and some early veining that forms over the yolk. The yolk itself is the food source for the young chick and the chick develops within the white although the white albumin is not the chick either. At least that icky biology lesson paid off! We were studying the effects of nicotine on a chicken embryo. All I have to say is it was gross and no one should want to smoke after seeing that! EWWWWWWW!
I agree with the frozen post. We had an egg that I found early this morning - it was kind of buried in the nest. I missed it yesterday. Anyway, it is super cold here. I scrambled the egg this morning and there were 2 pieces of yolk that wouldn't mix in. I think it was because the egg had been frozen overnight.
IFAS is great. They are right down the road here and have a huge amount of resources.
The link you gave is one I have looked at in the past and has a ton of information.
I once had my refrigerator turned up too high and the eggs got partially frozen. The yolks were what I would describe as "chunky" too. I think that's a good possibility.

I ate them anyway.
Ok sweet thanks everyone, I think I'm just goin to have to stomach them! lol we shall see how that goes. Hey dntd, thanks for that link. Great info on there!

I finally have my girls in their new coop tonight! I'm using cardboard as the chicken door atm though...
That and the roofing has been the toughest thing to come up with so far. That and the roost lol.

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