Citron Spangled Hamburgs

hello yes I am still looking for a citron spangled hamburg. I am located at colcord Oklahoma right on the Arkansas Missouri Oklahoma line where are u located at> I work nights and use the wifi here at my work so will reply back as soon as I hear back from u while I am at work. thank u so much
hello I thought I sent u a message yesterday but im not sure if it sent or not still getting used to this laptop anyway I am still looking and would love to have your rooster, I am located at Colcord Oklahoma which is right on the Missouri Arkansas Oklahoma line Where are u located?
thank u so much I have been looking for these for several years now. My son got me a hen several years ago and I absolutely loved her she died a year and a half ago and I have been looking ever since. I had no idea how hard they were to come by so I appreciate the link u sent thank u
No problem :)

I didn't know they had bantams, so now I'm searching too lol ;)

I love this little guy! Just stunning! :)

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