City Girl Goes Country


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 2, 2014
NorthWest Arkansas
Hi BYC!!!! I'm so very happy to be a member
!!!! I recently purchased six chicks and two ducks from Tractor Supply Co and have been in love since I heard their first "tweet/quack". I had no idea how quickly they would grow, how messy ducks would be, or how much I would LOVE watching them learn!!!!
I've been using BYC as a guideline for raising, ideas/tips/tricks for designing and building their coop/run... to say that I am thankful for BYC would be a GROSS understatement.

I will be updating pics of my new feathered family and also posting my "joy" in designing and building my coop/run.

My roots are in farming (my mom grew up on a Dairy Farm in mid-Missouri during the 60's (they had chickens, too) and my father grew up as an agri-farmer during the 50's). I think my grandparents would be "proud" of me.

A BIG shout out to all of you on BYC .... I would be LOST w/o this site and everyone's advice.


Welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community! Great that you found our resources and they have helped you so far. And yes ducklings are very messy! But they sure are cute. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on your new chicks and ducklings! Walking out with baby poultry seems to happen a lot with TSC in the spring.
Hello from Austin, TX. Welcome this website. I hope you have a great time surfing here, making friends.

Arkansas was the first state I landed in US. And every year I come back to Fort Smith to visit a friend there.

Take pixture of your chick/duck and share with us.

My first attempt at uploading a pic ... It has the newly finished coop, along with some of my chicks & ducks free ranging (under my supervision)
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Here's a pic of the coop/run while under construction a couple of months back. Happy that it's done but thanks to BYC I keep going back to make improvements & soon it'll be the "kid sister" to the "bigger one" I'd like to have. Again, thanks to BYC & my "initiation" to the "crazy chicken lady" group... I wish to own more; therefore, I need a bigger coop & run!

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