City girl married to a to chicken!

Questions are fine! It's what BYC was made for.

Great area!

Thundering and lightning here! lots of needed rain.

I have 25 chicks who are now just about 4 weeks old:
5 Production Reds
5 Buff Orpingtons
5 Dixie Rainbows
5 Silver Laced Wyandotts
5 Tetra Tints

So excited to begin.

Last week ordered and received:
4 Buckeyes
8 Welsummers
2 Blue Splash Marans

Hubby says NO more this year! :)
Any suggestions on how to build the roost and how much space I need for 39 birds?

I have a wall 8 X 8 that I was hoping to use!
There are lots of great ideas on here. Most people with quite a few chickens seem to build roosts like this
Takes up less room, just make sure the upper levels aren't directly above lower ones so no one gets pooped on.
I think it's about a foot roosting space per chicken.

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