~***CITY/SUBURBAN FOLK THREAD***~ Not all of us are clueless!

shadow rabbit10

7 Years
Mar 3, 2012
New Jersey
This thread is for anyone who lives in the city/suburbs! Chances are, most of us probably don't have farms, being that we're not from the country, but who cares? Not all of us are clueless in the world of poultry/ livestock, and it's time to prove it. Feel free to share your stories, explain how you raise animals without unlimited space, or, just make friendly conversation. My apologies if a thread like this already exisist. Welcome city dwellers! :)
yeah sort of urban living here.
grew up in manchester,uk,now live in a semi urban semi rural village in cheshire.
we have a massive garden where we have a bunch of toddler cockrels who fancy themselves rotten until our elderly ex bat sets them straight,and of course two sensible pullets who no doubt try to pretend theyre not from the same family when the lads lord it around the garden.
-our neighbours dont care because they knew what they were getting in for,we are a big residential centre the noise from some of the spoilt,uncontrolled kids in their unit disguises any show boating,BAgawkin and SQUUUARRKin from the chickens.

we have a farm down the road-- http://fairfieldresidential.co.uk/index.php?=4 am breeding a flock of six blue cochins for it at the moment.

absolute gorgeous polish chicken in avatar by the way,beautiful breed-theres a really awful review of them knocking about on BYC though.
any photos of the gang including the rabbit? :D
Thank you! I live in a super tiny suburban town on the East Coast of the US. My neighbors haven't said anything about my pullets yet, bt who knows what will happen. The chickens are llegal though, so there is nothing that they can do even if they do have a problem with them. I have 9 juvinile birds, two of which are cockerels. I also have 6 rabbits. I don't have a backyard, so I keep my chickens in my side yard and my garden. I will post pics soon, but my iPad doesn't allow me to. I will probably post tommorow when I can get on the computer.
As for the Polish, they are my favorite breed, and people do say some awful things about them. The one in my avatar is a Red cockerel. Too bad he has to go.:( I also have a White Polish though who is very entertaining.
Hi there. I'm also pretty urban/suburban. I'm on the outskirts of the Seattle metro area. Been urban for the past 30+ years. Before that I lived/grew up in a small town in Alaska.
I have 5 chickens right now, and have had chickens for going on 9 years, I guess.
Currently have 2 hens-1 Sicillian Buttercup, 1 EE, & 3 pullets-another small 3/4 size EE, and 2 Buff Orpingtons.

I live smack in the middle of my small town. I am 4 blocks from the police station/city hall. I built a coop 3 years ago in the back yard and have 8 hens. We also have 16 acres 3 miles from town where we keep the horses.
Great Idea Shadow Rabbit!
. Another City member checking in
I live on the edge of town. My place was originally suburb, but that was like 130 years ago. The city has us surrounded, but we still have 2 acres. I've got several fences to keep my duckies from pooing on the neighbors sidewalks. I have nice neighbors, and they like a few free eggs, but no poo. We are working on fenching an acre of the back yard, so that all the geese and ducks roam free, and not in smaller pens. We also have chicens, but I keep my birds in trios mostly, each with their own roofed little cage, but we like to let them out in the late afternoon. Its enough time to keep the grasshoppers away, and most other garden pests (ducks and geese get garden time) for us. We also have turkeys and quail. One turkey, "thanksgiving" is a grain and free range bird. Obviously its not to be a breeding bird. The other turkeys are in trios in larger cages, but like I said, all of my cages are on grass (no bottem to cages) and we can move them around to greener pastures at will.

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