Classroom chicks - continued! :) "Mystery Chick"


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2015
New Hampshire
So another classroom friend decided they were unable to care for the two chicks they adopted - so we said we would take them to add to our small brood.

I'm fairly certain this lady called us because she KNEW her two chicks had turned out to be roosters. One most certainly is - the comb is red and its wattle is already appearing and it's pretty darn big.

They are 3 weeks old, this weekend.

This is the second one she dropped off last night - any ideas for breed/gender? It's large, same as the rooster (who I believe now to be a Barred Rock) but I don't see even a trace of comb! Then I noticed it had leg feathers - none of the other chicks do. (I have Rocks and RI Reds and a Speck. Sussex.) Is the lack of comb a breed thing, or could this possibly mean - at 3 weeks old - that it's female? I'm also very curious about the leg feathers, I thought I read somewhere that it was a trait of a rooster.

Mystery Chick!


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