Classroom chicks -- grown up! Do I have roosters?


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2015
New Hampshire
These chicks hatched memorial day weekend, so they're around 4 months old. I am including individual pictures/info. PLEASE NOTE -- I have not seen aggression or heard any crowing just yet.

Pleas let me know if you need other pictures! I'd like to have a good idea what to expect. I'm hoping I have 1 roo/3 hens and not the other way around, in my Rocks! :) Thanks so much for all of your help!!

This is who I call "Rooster." I call him that, because at 4 weeks old -- he was much larger than the others and already had the big red comb and waddle. It's tail is also different, it grew "pretty" tail feathers first -- stripes -- and now I'm confused because it's tail is short, whereas the other ones have long feathers. Below, he is with a bird of a different breed who was also bigger than the others, but only recently formed the red 'bubble' comb. ****BONUS, who can tell me what breed 'Winnie' is? :)

Next are my other 3 rocks! They all have long tails -- they did not have a red comb until a few weeks AFTER the one above, and their combs were also smaller. 2 of 3 appear to be turning a buff color. 1 of 3 still has a very small comb -- my daughter calls her 'Cuddles', she's the one with the fluffy cheeks. (1st image) And last, they're all together,

You definitely have cockerels there. I'm not an expert, but I believe the top bird is one as well. The goldbar looking mixes are certainly roo's though, I'm sorry to say.

I'm sorry, but you've got a lot of boys there

None of your barred birds are pure barred Rocks, they're all mixes who had one barred parent.

first bird is a cockerel.
Second bird is a cockerel, and looks to be a dark Brahma maybe.
The three birds in the next two pics are all mixed breed cockerels.
In the group picture, all your black and white birds are cockerels. The Reds, the speckled Sussex, and the little white bird (Easter egger? ) are all pullets.
You definitely have cockerels there. I'm not an expert, but I believe the top bird is one as well. The goldbar looking mixes are certainly roo's though, I'm sorry to say.
Thanks so much for your reply! I had a bad feeling it would turn out this way with classroom hatching!
I'm sorry, but you've got a lot of boys there

None of your barred birds are pure barred Rocks, they're all mixes who had one barred parent.

first bird is a cockerel.
Second bird is a cockerel, and looks to be a dark Brahma maybe.
The three birds in the next two pics are all mixed breed cockerels.
In the group picture, all your black and white birds are cockerels. The Reds, the speckled Sussex, and the little white bird (Easter egger? ) are all pullets.
Darn! I had a bad feeling this would happen. My daughter will be happy to know our little white one is female -- that was the classroom favorite.

The unknown breed is a cockerel too?! Aw, man. I was hoping otherwise -- he's just so pretty.

I will keep an eye on them all and divvy them up! Thanks a million for your thoughts!
If you plan to keep any of the males, I'd put my money on the dark Brahma, especially since you have kiddos. Brahmas are known as gentle giants, and they're a better bet for a docile rooster than the other birds you have. he'll be slower to mature, slower to crow and mate, likely taking a good year to reach full maturity.
If you plan to keep any of the males, I'd put my money on the dark Brahma, especially since you have kiddos. Brahmas are known as gentle giants, and they're a better bet for a docile rooster than the other birds you have. he'll be slower to mature, slower to crow and mate, likely taking a good year to reach full maturity.
Thank you SO much for that suggestion! We do want to keep one -- but it was going to be a tough pick.

That's so helpful, and I'm sure we will stick with 'Winnie' who now may need a new name. LOL.

I'm sorry, but you've got a lot of boys there

None of your barred birds are pure barred Rocks, they're all mixes who had one barred parent.

first bird is a cockerel.
Second bird is a cockerel, and looks to be a dark Brahma maybe.
The three birds in the next two pics are all mixed breed cockerels.
In the group picture, all your black and white birds are cockerels. The Reds, the speckled Sussex, and the little white bird (Easter egger? ) are all pullets.

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