Clean chick butts


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2015
Antioch, CA
Didn't think it would happen, but come Friday afternoon, my household has found itself with four new chicks. Our Rhodies and Austrolorps are doing well, a bunch of loud mouth girls laying plenty of eggs already. Now we have two tiny little Jersey Giants and two petite Orpingtons to add to the mix. Sticking with the old lady names, we've named them after the Golden Girls (Blanche and Dorothy for the Giants and Rose and Sophia for the Orpingtons).

One of the Giants seems to have some crusty poo on her little behind and, while I found some fresh poo among the mix, I was wondering if I should be worried about it. How do you properly clean a chicks behind without A) stressing them out too much and B) without hurting them? I tried a wet paper towel and got a little off but then accidentally pulled a tad and she freaked out. So that's where I ended the daily grooming session.

Any tips are welcome.

Please and thank you.
I have had to deal with pasty butt from my shipped hatchery chicks. They don't like it but I run their little bottoms under warm water till the poop is soft and then gently wipe away. Then I dry them in a soft washcloth. It's better to upset them a little to prevent their untimely demise from pasty butt.
I have had to deal with pasty butt from my shipped hatchery chicks. They don't like it but I run their little bottoms under warm water till the poop is soft and then gently wipe away. Then I dry them in a soft washcloth. It's better to upset them a little to prevent their untimely demise from pasty butt.

That's a pretty good idea. I'll have to try that later. Thank you~
I have had to deal with pasty butt from my shipped hatchery chicks. They don't like it but I run their little bottoms under warm water till the poop is soft and then gently wipe away. Then I dry them in a soft washcloth. It's better to upset them a little to prevent their untimely demise from pasty butt.

That's what I do too, it seems to be the quickest and easiest way to get it off. Then I apply a tiny amount of baby oil or olive oil with a Q-Tip to help prevent the problem.

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