Cleaning Raw Cotton

I've done a little reading. Some people can spin it straight from the bol but it's more difficult.

AND I've looked up Eli Whitney's first cotton gin. Seems like simple consept. I thought they were complicated machinery.
Sometime in the near future AFTER all the holiday crazy, I think I'll try to build one.
It is easier to work with if you card it.

Before mailing seeds to other people in other states I strongly urge you to check with your local ag dept. about trying to grow cotton, even only a plant or two. Many states require you to have a permit to grow cotton. This is do to the bollweevil. This insect has been brought under control and fields are monitored for the presence of this pest.

Please, please, play by the rules when dealing with cotton a growing a seed.
Good advice you have there
I picked up a big bag of raw cotton from a farm field after the harvest. It had sat out for several days, so there is dirt, leaves, sticks, etc. in it. Also, it still has the seeds inside. Does anybody know the best way to clean it up? I am a spinner, so I'm able to make it into yarn if I can just get the trash out, and get it clean. Thanks.

I realise this is a really old post but I live in Alabama in the middle of cotton country....and I am a question is no one concerned about the chemicals and defoliants used in cotton growing when handling cotton? I'd love to be able to pick up all the cotton that blows all over the place here at picking but have read that the chemicals and defoliants are carcinogenic. I worry that handling it will cause these chemicals to be absorbed into my skin and into my body. Does anyone have advice on how to safely use this? Thanks in advance.
I have no idea how to get rid of the chemicals, but you could start with finding out what they are and work from there. They may not ever be totally gone. And you're right, if it absorbs through your skin, it's in your body.

Good luck! I loved spinning cotton when I used to spin. Someday, someday...
I have no idea how to get rid of the chemicals, but you could start with finding out what they are and work from there. They may not ever be totally gone. And you're right, if it absorbs through your skin, it's in your body.

Good luck! I loved spinning cotton when I used to spin. Someday, someday...
It’s sad really...apparently according to research I’ve done cotton is the most toxic crop grown on earth. Accounting for only 2.5% of all crops raised this crop uses more than 16% of the total pesticides used worldwide and all are known to cause cancer. Freaks me out because we get crop dusted regularly being in the middle of all the fields and I suffer massive migraines and nose bleeds when they do. I sort of always thought someone was watching out for the general public’s safety and well-being in relation to these things but I guess not. It’s such a shame because I could probably collect two full trash bags just from the cotton on the roadside...

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