Cleaning used coop

Quote: Well, keeping chickens will either cure you of that... or will drive you mad.
There will always be poop, almost everywhere....from fresh, wet ones to the dust that is pervasive in a coop.
Lots of different ways to deal with the poop.

First I'd make very sure that coop is not leaking anywhere, look for staining under roof and around windows/doors.
Do your scraping and vacuuming, then spray the permethrin in all the cracks and crevices,
let it dry a good few days to a week(depending on relative humidity) before adding bedding and chicks.
Well, keeping chickens will either cure you of that... or will drive you mad.
There will always be poop, almost everywhere....from fresh, wet ones to the dust that is pervasive in a coop.
Lots of different ways to deal with the poop.

First I'd make very sure that coop is not leaking anywhere, look for staining under roof and around windows/doors.
Do your scraping and vacuuming, then spray the permethrin in all the cracks and crevices,
let it dry a good few days to a week(depending on relative humidity) before adding bedding and chicks.

There will be a lot of hand washing. It won't bother me as much since the coop isn't IN my house.

What are your thoughts on these shoe protectors?

I want them so that I don't bring germs from outside to inside the coop and run. Or is it not necessary? I don't care about the chicken's normal germs, but the ones that can harm THEM.

I will check for leaks. I doubt it will have any- it was custom built and is very sturdy and only maybe 3 years old.

Perfect, I will spray after scraping and vacuuming and let it sit for at least two weeks before putting anything/anyone in there. Should I dilute it or just use the full strength permethrin? Thanks for the help!
Shoe covers are overkill me flashbacks of working in a pharmaceutical plant.....unless another chicken keeper comes to visit your coop, then maybe.

Dilution will depend on what product you get, follow their directions per application.
what i use is equal parts of white vinegar and water, after i have cleaned out all of the coop, plus the roosts,
its safe for my chickens
hope that hepls

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