Clementine still not doing well - video available- please, help!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
Portland, Oregon
Today is the second day of hard breathing, here are the symptoms she is having, see if this is familiar:

1. She is breathing through her mouth. She started wheezing a little bit ago.
2. She has runny green and white droppings, but no traces of blood.
3. She shakes her head and tries to rub her beak against things.
4. Her crop feels empty.
4. No visible injuries.
5. Is eating a little, as you can see in the video.

Things she doesn't have: Any weird secretions on eyes, or nostils, etc. Only runny green and white poop.

What I have done so far:

1. Treated her with Vet Rx as prescribed in the bottle.

2. Treated for coccidiosis just in case. Sulmet ( 0.5 tablespoon per quart of water, according to instructions).

3. Added some Ionic silver into water.

3. Gave her natural remedies such as:
3.1 Herbal tea & black tea to stop runny feces.
3.2 Electrolytes to keep her hydrated and gave her water as often as I could
3.3 Gave treats such as protein, some corn, a little bit of white rice (which she has eating).

What I have not done yet:

1. I have not gave her antibiotics, because I'm having difficulties understanding the package instructions
I have oxytetracycline 10 grams.

So far this is the second day of hard breathing, and she seems worse than yesterday.
At this point I'm considering taking her to a vet. However, I'd like to know if the symptoms I describe sound familiar.

The one thing I can think of is mold infection due to some mold in the run due to rainy wheather. Coop is clean, other two chickens are doing great. My c
She does look like it gets progressively harder for her to breathe the longer she tries. I think a vet may be a good bet, I don't know what this is, sorry.

In any case I'd use freshly minced raw garlic, it's packed with natural antibiotics and natural sulfur compounds, both of which are antagonistic to viruses, infections, harmful bacteria, etc. In studies it's actually boosted the efficacy of artificial/pharmaceutical medicines so I'd really be doing that if I were you.

If she doesn't want to eat, maybe she will drink some water with garlic in it. I see her pecking like she's hungry but not eating.

It's also possible that she's become eggbound, just a theory, but always worth checking. The increasing panting could be a series of progressive contractions trying to shift a stuck egg.

Best wishes.
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Hi Chooks4life,

Thanks for your response. I had added crushed garlic to her water yesterday, etc.
Unfortunately, a vet was out of the question because there only one Avian vet in the area and she was not available for emergencies. Sadly Clementina passed away last night despite all I tried.
I'm very bummed.
Darn it, I'm sorry.

I wish I lived nearer to you, I'd offer to do a necropsy. If you're up for it, or know someone who is, it could be worth doing. For what it's worth she didn't look unhealthy, it looks like the overall husbandry was good. Might be worth putting her in a cold fridge, not freezing her, and getting her tested by a lab. It's possible whatever killed her is contagious.

Best wishes.

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