Clipping chickens wings?


9 Years
May 31, 2014
My chicks that are 4-5 weeks old are trying to fly out of their brooder box. I’m using a metal feeding trough. Someone suggested to clip one of their wings. This sounds extreme plus cruel. Any suggestions ? I would be grateful.
One more question, if they are trying to fly is it time to take them out from the heat lamp?
Clipping the wings in no way hurts the bird. It's not chopping the wing off, but simply trimming the main flight feathers. I myself have never done this before but I've done it for my budgies.
This is normal for them to begin trying to fly. Place a screen or a frame of hardware cloth over your brooder. Bird netting works as well. Clipping wings does not really prevent flying, and I would never do that to a chick anyway. I clipped one wing each on my first pullets when they began flying over my 4 foot chainlink fence. They still could fly when with both wings clipped.
My chicks that are 4-5 weeks old are trying to fly out of their brooder box. I’m using a metal feeding trough. Someone suggested to clip one of their wings. This sounds extreme plus cruel. Any suggestions ? I would be grateful.
One more question, if they are trying to fly is it time to take them out from the heat lamp?
Wow! 4-5 WEEKS! I am glad mine didn’t start that early. Mine are 5 mos old and I caught two of the Wyandottes sitting on top of the fence gate! So, grabbed some sharp scissors and went to clipping. Was fast, easy and they had no idea what happened-except they could no longer fly!

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