Clipping the Wings

I've always dealt with Barred Rocks or Golden Comets. Usually I have to clip around 15 weeks and then just when ever they get adventurous again. Be sure to use sharp scissors and clip both wings. About 2/3 of the flight feathers is what I do. A lot easier with 2 people too. My fence is 5 feet. If they are not getting out when you don't want them to don't worry about it. I let mine out a few days a week to free range for a few hours a day but I have to be carefull a bout dogs around.
If you clip both wings you haven't done anything, by clipping one wing you throw them off balance. Think about what happens to an airplane when it looses one wing it can't fly, if you shorten both wings it still can.

Steve in NC
Ok mine are about 3 1/2 weeks old and they've begun flying up to the 2 foot fence in an attempt to perch up there and sometimes they fly over and into the yard. None have been hurt, but they constantly peep and whine when they realize that they're now separated from all of their buddies. In about 3 weeks I'm planning on moving them into their coop proper and having a 4 foot fence. I just dont want them getting the same idea and flying into the neighbors' yard when they're a bit bigger you know?
If you clip both wings you haven't done anything, by clipping one wing you throw them off balance. Think about what happens to an airplane when it looses one wing it can't fly, if you shorten both wings it still can.

I know for a fact if you clip both wings on a parrot which is a fully flighted bird they can't even get off the ground, so for some reason I doubt a chicken would be able to either. I do agree they would be off balance and have a hard time if one wing is clipped. But with both wings they would be grounded and just be able to flutter to the ground from a higher perch point. I know many people who have clipped 1 wing of a chicken and still had issues, then clipped both and had none. An airplane with too short a wingspan won't get off the ground either, I checked with a buddy who is an aeronautical engineer, he stated there is a specific wing length to weight and size that must be maintained or the aircraft is grounded as well. Just FYI​

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