Clipping wings


13 Years
Jan 14, 2007
Queensland, Australia
When is the best time to start clipping wings?
I want by birds to be free range but not end up two blocks away. If i clip both wing like it says in the HOW TO section will the bird be able to jump a 6feel fence? or should i say how height can they jump with both wings clipped?

Thanks Rik
It depends what type of birds you are getting. Most heavy breeds wouldn't be able to hop a 6 footer without clipped wings. I have a white leghorn that can hop a 5 footer with clipped wings and all! If you were getting some buff orps or brahmas I wouldn't worry about it but if you are getting leghorns I would. If you are free ranging you wouldn't have a fence anyway would you? We free range for the most part and we find our birds won't go farther than they can still see the coop. So if your property isn,t big enough to prevent this than try to clip one wing first. I here this throws them off balance and works better than clipping both. Good luck,

Thanks for your replies on all my posts Chris. The chickens I've got are called layman brown so I've been told
i was told they are 10 days old when i got them. there now 16 days old and they only have there wing and tail feather but are starting to fly around and jump up on to the door of there coop which is about 6 time there height.....what do you think i should do?
Layman brown sounds like a planned hybrid egg layer though Im not sure. These type of birds are usually not very "flighty" but you never know. Anyway I dont believe you should be clipping wings until they've grown all the feathers in. Up until this point they mainly just jump around and pretend to fly while they are running.

my leghorns are clipped both wings and can still get over a 5 foot fence and on top of coop at 6 foot should I just clip one side
I have RIRs and a Seabright . I assumed they would all be pretty pathetic flyers...So wrong... lol.... Definitly wait a little longer and do one wing first. If you have little experience with clipping be extrememly careful as it can be quite painful if clipped to short. I have found it's easier to wait to clip so that way you have a better visual of what you are clipping since the feathers are larger. hope this helps!

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