Closed Eyes, Standing by herself, Strange Behavior


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2016
I noticed yesterday that my pullet was closing her eyes when she was standing and not as active as normal. She ate and drank and does not have any discharge or swelling in eye area. I looked under her wings, fleshy parts- no mites or fleas. She flew out of her coop this morning and interacts off and on with the other chickens. The she will stand off on her own, eyes closed- right eye more then left, and eventually she will lay down and sleep with her wings out alittle bit.

Only recent changes- I gave them a new snack of mealworms and shrimp - surf and turf from little farmer, which they seemed to enjoy.
Also, we've had issues with mice and rats at night getting into the coop.

Thank you for your help!!!

Holding the wings out might be a sign that she is overheated. Coccidiosis can be a problem in younger chickens. Symptoms include sleepiness or lethargy, standing puffed up or hunched, not eating, and runny poops with mucus or blood. Corid from feed stores is the treatment. Check to make sure that she is eating and drinking, and check her poops. Has she gotten close to laying age?
I had the same problem with my chicks yes he might have coccidiosis how is he eating and drinking ft cord from the closest feed store the kind u put in your water for 1 gallon = 1/2 teaspoon if he dose not drink it get a dropper aND drop it on his beak how old is she
Thank you. She is about 14 weeks. She is eating and drinking and comes in and out of this.

I will try Corid- thank you!

Should I treat all birds? Is there any reason to separate her out at this point?
Corid dosage for an acute outbreak is 2 tsp per gallon of water for the liquid Corid, and 1 1/2 tsp per gallon for the powder. It won't hurt the other chickens to drink it, and there is no need to separate her. Let us know how she gets along.
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Yes treat all birds but if she tends to be getting sicker up the dosage of it and if she is getting really sick separate her don't want to get the others really sick to and it takes 5 to 7 days till u stop using cord I us ally cut the dosage in half do that for a day then stop and do electrodes chick one hope they get better best wish for u and your chicks
Also sorry I replying so much lol about the rats make sure you have no holes in in your coop where rats can get through and if u have a wooden coop make sure no wood is rotten make sure there is lock on the door it sad what racoon can do to your chicks it is heartbreaking they just kill them for fun sometimex and don't know I'd the chicks have like chincken wired windows like mine but raccoon and possums stick the hacks through it and hurt the chickens and kill them just sad so put 1/2 inches metal mesh where like the windows or wired open places are they can't stick there hands through this just all depends on where u live bye hope your chick feels better hope this answered your questions
Good news and thank you all for the help. I ordered the corid, but the next day she seemed to have improved, and continued to improve every day. She is back to her old self and seems to have beat it! I will keep the corid on hand in case she or the others show any symptoms.
I bought two new chicken at the farmers market and they are acting weird but I thought they just needed a little time to adjust.
turns out my chicken that was already in there ended up acting weird too and I think I bought sick chicken!
they are sleeping all the time and barely moving, a little diarea my chicken stopped laying eggs and the new ones never did. they are just standing there no moving much, they are eating (not as much as before) but eating, watery eyes and the new one make weird sounds. I am very worried that I introduce some very sick chicken to my very healthy chicken. any advise and help will be appreciate.

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