cloudy eye


10 Years
Feb 16, 2009
hello everyone - new to the forum and have recently purchased 3 - 5 day old little chickens. I think your forum is great and very informative although I have read heaps cant find what I am looking for so sorry if you have covered this before.

My little chickens are 4 weeks old now and one of the chicks have developed a very cloudy eye - she or he does not seem to be in pain or try to rub its head or anything and I am figuring it may be blind maybe in this eye. Although it was not cloudy when we bought her.

Any ideas??
First off,

Second, does the chick show any more symptoms other than the cloudy eye? Sneezing, coughing, discharge from the nares? This information would help in assessing the chick.
No other symptoms that I can see and eating and drinking and running around like a 4 week old chicken - the only thing i did notice a few days ago was sleep like disharge from the eye one morning but no other days at all - only the once. And not that much, not runny disharge just a bit of sleep. I am very new to having chickens but I dont see any diferent behaviour to the other 2 chicks - i do have a photo but not sure how to put it up.
I live in the top of Australia so quite warm so cold should not be an issue and they have a huge coop for just the three of them - at night they go into a smaller cage I have in the coop until they have all their feathers as we are in the middle of wet season here and it rains most nights.
I feed them chick crumble.

thankyou for the welcome.
no scar that I can see - and i dont think it can see but does close its eyelid every time I put something on that side - I have been watching very closely and it is not any smaller or shows any sign of distress which I am glad as I am so new to this and they are only so young.

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