Clucky Cockerel ?


Premium Feather Member
May 14, 2023
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Today, my roughly 16wk old Araucana cockerel is clucking and holding feed (bread) in his mouth for the hens. I tested him twice - once at breakfast and later on with some bread. Both times he has cluck-called the hens over, then started showing them the food like I've seen my Pekin frizzle do (and will still do with her adult daughter hens at times). Is this usual behaviour for a cockerel?
Is this usual behaviour for a cockerel?
Yep, normal.. they'll even call their brothers (and eventually chicks/juveniles) to treats.. not just the ladies. This is how they win their affections.. Take a girl out to dinner first YO! ;)

The way to a chickens heart is through their stomach. They (the boys) may also do a little wing drop shuffle dance and some serenade sounds.

Some favorable fellas acquire these natural instincts sooner than others and may even take no for an answer verses sneak mating or forced mounting/copulation. While some never will learn the art of being a good rooster and flock mate.

Sounds like he *may* be off to a good start.

Yes, it the same thing that hens do for their offspring called tidbit-ting.. adorable in both instances! :love
Aww how sweet! He's been a lovely boy so far. The breeder agreed to take back any roo's but I decided to keep him. So far only one of the girls has accepted his dating card hahaha

Thanks so much for the information! :)

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