Clueless here in need of help


11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Southern CA
I love Craig's list! Picked up these two little cuties on the 11th, was told at the time that they were only two weeks old but I'm suspecting that they are older. Right now they should be 5 wks, but I'm thinking more like 7 wks. The previous owners knew nothing about chickens when they got them for Easter, and have no clue about gender or breed. I've had RIRs and a barred rock, but nothing that ever looked like these two.

Chickie #1:
I already know it's a male (already crowing). Single comb, bare legs (yellowish leg color), 4 toed, was all yellow I believe when first hatched but unsure. Don't know how to describe the color. Any ideas on the breed? Very friendly and loving for a chicken.



Chickie #2:
I'm hoping it's female, but so far I'm not sure. Pea comb (maybe rose? don't know, never seen one up close before), bare legs (blackish leg color), 4 toed, definitely all black as a chick. A bit more skittish but once being held loves to cuddle.


Yeah, I was thinking that they were looking a little muffy. Chickie #1 actually does have legs that are more green than yellow, but #2 is just black. EEs are just mutts that lay varied colors of blue/green eggs, right? that's why one has a pea comb and the other a single? Any way to tell if #2 is a girl or a boy?
If they're 7 weeks like you think, they're both boys. An EE (and yes that is a pea comb like EE's have) pullet would not have much comb at all at that age, and especially not that red. The other is a mixed breed something, and again too much red and too big a comb to be a female.
I don't think they're seven weeks old. If they are, your roo (because yes, he IS a roo) has some crazy hormonal boost going on! The "hen" is a roo if they're 7 weeks, but if not I'd say pullet.

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