

9 Years
Aug 30, 2011
So almost one month ago, we introduced three day-old chicks to the flock and allowed our broody to raise them. The bottom bird was being viciously attacked - as Charming (the bottom not-mother) would stare a little too hard at the babies, and Freckles (mom) would charge her, then all the rest of the girls would gang up. Charming would then attack the babies to regain her position, and all hell would break loose... a real continual spiral.

Charming finally decided to stay clear of the babies, and so things were on the mend again in the flock.

Today, when I went out to give everyone their scraps, Freckles did the high-pitched clucking to call the babies over to eat. Imagine my shock, when I heard Charming make the same sound and then feed one of the babies a piece of food. Charming is now walking around making a mama cluck, as though she's somehow decided to adopt these month-old babies as her own. I am out there every day, she's never done this until today... one month after they've arrived. (EDIT: Charming has never gone broody, either... absolutely no inclination.)

Has anyone ever encountered this? I mean, she's a chicken... I wouldn't think she'd be capable of premeditation: 'I'll make myself a mom so they don't pick on me.' What gives?
Broody hormones can make hens want to mother anything. A hen doesn't necessarily need to be broody either to feel motherly. It doesn't happen often but I've seen similar behaviors and have had chicks have 2 moms.
Broody hormones can make hens want to mother anything. A hen doesn't necessarily need to be broody either to feel motherly. It doesn't happen often but I've seen similar behaviors and have had chicks have 2 moms.

So wild. Yeah, Charming is as far from broody as you can get, but today was just a shock. It took her a whole month to decide she was going to get in on the baby game. Cracked me up. :D

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