Cocci, can I add other stuff to water with corrid?many questions :(


5 Years
Jul 17, 2014
My chicks have cocci, one died today, she had bloody poo, fluffed feathers, lethargic, etc. I bought corid, and put it in water at noon. I bought Durvet Performance Poultry probiotics & electrolytes for poultry
....should I add this to the water now or in 5 days after corid trearment?

What's the best to clean coop and ground with?
I am buying sand for our coop, and I change bedding 3 x a day right now, plus sanitize.

All chicks seems ok, besides the one who died :(

Are there long term effects of corrid on eggs or egg production?
Any long term effects of cocci on health , egg prosuction, etc?

I plan to add DE to coop also, small amount in sand and a feeder of it.
They are also on medicated feed...I bought them at local sale barn, they were emaciated and dirty, I expected issues, but wanted to try.

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