
Apr 15, 2023
Hi all, 2 weeks ago we had our first sign of coccidiosis with our babies (now 6 and 7 weeks old, then 4 and 5) it was the obvious first signs with bloody Poo from one or two chicks, and another one had very mucusy poo. I got corid, I followed 1 tsp to 1 gal dosage for 7 days. Things were cleared up after about 2 days of treatment, after the 7 days I went down to 1/4 tsp to 1 gal and after 6 days of this dose the bloody poop was back. So happily discovered by someone stepping in it and spreading it all around so I had a mini heart attack at the blood that morning. We are back to the 1tsp dosage for about 3 days now and I am still seeing bloody poop. I am not sure who's having it specifically, and I just found some more this morning and got some photos of it to post for help. I do remove these droppings from the cage as soon as I see them. Do I continue corid as I've been, do I need to up the dosage? Maybe this is something else now? First time chick momma and definitely first time cocci experience so just not sure when we cross the line from normal symptom to more extreme. Someone else gave me a watery mucusy poo this morning, and I'm not sure if it's the same chick but I've noticed some other watery poos in the bedding as well since yesterday. Pics below of the bloody Poo from this morning. (Excuse the mess, I didn't get to do my usual deep clean last night as I ran out of bedding! :D)


Are you using the powder or the liquid Corid? You are underdosing. Correct dose is 1 1/2 tsp of the powder or 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water. I would start right away with the correct dose. I would also give them an oral dose to get the medications levels up, instructions for that are here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/corid-oral-drench-instructions.1211991/
You can do the oral dose for up to 3 days. That is in addition to the medicated water.
Corid is very safe, you won't hurt them.

If it doesn't clear up after that then you may need to use toltrazuril or a sulfa antibiotic instead.
You can get toltrazuril here: https://www.allthingsbunnies.com/Toltrazuril-5-Suspension-for-Coccidiosis-p/med132.htm
Dose of the toltrazuril is 0.014 ml per 100 gms of body weight (0.07 ml per pound) orally for 2 -3 days.
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Are you using the powder or the liquid Corid? You are underdosing. Correct dose is 1 1/2 tsp of the powder or 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water. I would start right away with the correct dose. I would also give them an oral dose to the medications levels up, instructions for that are here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/corid-oral-drench-instructions.1211991/
You can do the oral dose for up to 3 days. That is in addition to the medicated water.
Corid is very safe, you won't hurt them.

If it doesn't clear up after that then you may need to use toltrazuril or a sulfa antibiotic instead.
You can get toltrazuril here: https://www.allthingsbunnies.com/Toltrazuril-5-Suspension-for-Coccidiosis-p/med132.htm
Dose of the toltrazuril is 0.014 ml per 100 gms of body weight (0.07 ml per pound) orally for 2 -3 days.
Liquid, I will definitely up my dose then! Thanks for the oral instructions. We will have to try that as well.

Great information! Really appreciate it!

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