Cocci... what it looks like, and what we did *Warning! poop-shots!*

Yes, I do. I had to look to make sure, but I have plenty of that. It said to mix 1 TBSP. per gallon. Is that correct? I am getting ready to mix them up some in a few minutes. Thank you so very much for all your help.

Speckled Hen, I have to agree with your suspicions where the medicated feed is concerned. I hatched these from eggs and they have been on medicated feed since day one. It does seem a bit suspicious to me too.
Truly worth a thousand words. I'm sorry about the good bird, though. But grateful because despite all the talk, I'd never seen just what this would look like. . .
I agree with the birds coming down with cocci. Unreal that I have had a problem 2 different times with young birds.
Sulmet has been the cure for my little ones, their poo has not been as bad as what I've seen, perhaps I just recognise the eye, hunched pose. Either way, I wonder if there was a measurement problem, or even cutting costs. Either way, its pretty sad with all the birds that have been lost this year.
Sorry to hear of your loss and good work on keeping up with the other birds!
My Sulmet is 2 Tablespoons per gallon for 2 days, then 1 TSBP per gallon for 4 days, but if they will only drink a half gallon per day, I'd do 1 TABLESPOON per 1/2 gallon for the first 2 days then 1.5 teaspoons for 4 days. I think I said that right.
I never had cocci the first two years I was raising birds, then suddenly, I cant cure them of it. It's very suspicious, if you ask me. I wonder if they are just skipping the meds OR mislabeling the feeds.
Or, maybe it's just a new resistant strain. It's easy enough to catch when you only have a few birds, but when you have a dozen or so all crowded in the corner trying to stay away from you, it's hard to catch that ONE that is about to step over the edge. Just be ever vigilant.

Mudderhen, let us know how your baby fares...
I'm very happy to report that Pearl is feeling MUCH better now, and has even tried to get out of her box a couple of times today. I think she wants to go back with her buddies.
My Sulmet is 2 Tablespoons per gallon for 2 days, then 1 TSBP per gallon for 4 days, but if they will only drink a half gallon per day, I'd do 1 TABLESPOON per 1/2 gallon for the first 2 days then 1.5 teaspoons for 4 days. I think I said that right.
I never had cocci the first two years I was raising birds, then suddenly, I cant cure them of it. It's very suspicious, if you ask me. I wonder if they are just skipping the meds OR mislabeling the feeds.

Well I know with the feed mill that I use, I brought up the fact (or so I thought) of the chick starter being medicated. They told me the brand they carry is no longer medicated!! With people wanting to go all organic, they decided to stop getting the medicated kind. I thought all chick starter was medicated!!
Can this become a "sticky" cause I think everyone at one point or another wants to know about Cocci...

I know with my chicks I had seen some bloody poo...but it wasn't alot or every I didn't do anything. But now I wonder if they might have had a slight battle with it and lucky for me...overcame it themselves...but what if they didn't.

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