Cocci-when do I clean everyhting out?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
I have a pullet with cocci. There has been blood in her stool throughout the morning , bloddy diarrhea is what it looks like, and she's been lethargic but is still drinking. Is there any thing other than cocci that can cause bloody diarrhea ?I have Sulmet on hand and hubby will be getting Corid for me this afternoon as the place that carries it is 30 miles away near his workplace. I had another pullet acting lethargic yesterday and that set off red flags with me so started treating the flock with Sulmet yesterday. The other pullet is back to normal today, I pray my sick girl will be able to get through it. My question is when do I start cleaning out everything? Do I wait for the cocci to run it's course or do I start cleaning out now? I use sand in the coop and the run, do I need to take out all of the sand and replace with new? We let them free range in our back yard a few hours a day, what do I do with this area? Is there any way to clean it? I have ammonia ready for cleanup. Thanks for the help.
The best way to reduce the quantity of cocci is to keep the bedding bone dry and feeders at least half full to limit the birds pecking their feces.
It can't complete its life cycle and re-infest without moisture.
It is everywhere, not just in the coop.
It wouldn't hurt to replace your bedding now and start the corid right away.
Damp sand could be a problem. Many people swear by sand but I like pine shavings.

I would do the short period heavier dosage of corid.
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I agree with ChickenCanoe. The coccidia protozoa is everywhere, it lives in the soil, so unless your coop is wet and dirty I don't know that I'd go to great extremes to clean it. Just make sure it's clean and dry. Once they have recovered from this outbreak they will have developed immunity to the strains of coccidia that are in their environment.
Thanks for the replies! We are bone dry here in southern California, no moisture anywhere
. But really I do think they may have picked it up in the new larger run area, they've just started using that area this week.. pretty coincidental. I'll just do a good cleaning and start them on Corid this afternoon. I use pvc feeders and bucket/nipple waterers so there is no worry about contamination there. Thanks so much!
What is the heavier dosage for Corid? I was going to do the 1 heaping tsp. per 1 gallon of water for 5 days, is this right?

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