

12 Years
Apr 21, 2011
I have lost 5 three week old quail in two days. They are all active and eating drinking normally (voracious pigs) then one just dies it seems. Poops are all formed and normal looking. They eat fermented 30% game bird (growth & plumage). The only thing i have noticed is they look puffed up and "sweaty". I had attributed that to the wet food that they get everywhere, and the fact that i keep moving the light farther away. But now i guess something is wrong.
Is it cocci? I have corid comming (monday, feed store is closed until then).
Cocci would cause them to stop eating and drinking. What kills them with cocci is dehydration, starvation and the ulceration the cocci do to the intestinal tract.

So if your birds are still eating and drinking well, it is probably not cocci. BUT....the cocci meds won't hurt them and is definitely worth getting down them just in case.

How are you keeping them? What temp do you have them at? Could they be too hot, too cold, freezing?

Check your fermented feed to make sure it has not gone bad giving them some sort of food poisoning.

Go over everything in their environment as usually birds that die very quickly, the culprit can usually be tracked down fast.

I am sorry you are losing your birds. I hope you can figure this out soon!

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