Coccidiosis and Sick Babies

We started the corid liquid yesterday and this morning the babies poops are starting to look like poops again.
They are still eating and drinking little, but are all eating and drinking. Behavior even seems a little perkier this morning. Hoping we are rounding out of it and working towards good health. Even Tilly is walking more and standing without shuddering. PHEW. Thanks for all the quick responses!
Ok, they are on the corid, first dose was droppered and then 1 hour later, checked and they all voluntarily went to drink on thier own. This morning, poops are starting to look more normal again.

So I saw your dosing and others for 5-7 days on the liquid, my concern is the eventual reintroduction to the rest of the flock. I have heard that the parasite can hang out for a long time. Would that be just a preventative measure- ACV, electrolytes, probiotics- to control future infection.
The reduced dose is supposed to help them build up immunity. FWIW, so far I've never had to treat the same batch of chicks twice, so you'll probably be okay.

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I am going through this right now... Been working since yesterday trying to get my chicks to drink water medicated with liquid Corid. They are around 5 weeks old.
Last night I was excited that I saw one little gal take a poop with barely any blood in it! It seems like the Corid is helping but they don't drink (or eat) on their own so I am dropper feeding them about every two hours (daytime). I'm not sure how much water they should be getting.
I think I am going to try a drop of pure Corid for each bird after reading this thread.

My other concern is that I don't think they have pooped last night or yet today. I clean out the messes every time I visit them and there weren't any new ones this morning. It looks like they try to poop but nothing comes out. Can this make them constipated? I have Sav-A-Chick probiotics and electrolites. Can I put these all together in their water with the Corid?

All advice and especially optimism welcome!!
Thanks in advance.
I also have garlic water and ACV ready. But I have't used any since I have medicated the water with Corid. I do not know what can / cannot be safely mixed so I haven't mixed anything.
Sam, I stick to treatments that are specifically sold for coccidiosis. I don't like taking chances with cocci. If you treat with Corid, the only thing I've found that you can add to it is Tylan. I would be cautious about adding anything else including ACV and garlic.
Thank you. I don't know why I would use an antibiotic. I will stick with just Corid in the water. I am concerned about them not pooping though...
They started pooping a couple hours later...Less and less blood throughout the day. Now they are eating and drinking on their own. YAY!!

If anyone else reads this while trying to learn about cocci, don't give up! It takes time to make sure they get their medication (if you have to force them to drink it) but it is worth it and they will pull through! I made them drink every two hours for two days (during the daytime) and this is the third day and they were excited for refills of food/water to eat/drink on their own.
Sam- so glad that they started to pick back up! The Corid def was the trick for my girls. They are all totally healthy and happy now. Hope yours healed up well too!

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