Coccidiosis - Corid


7 Years
Oct 26, 2012
I have 6 3wk old chicks. 1 had very runny red/brown poop since I got them (maybe even 2). Was told to give them Corid 1TBS per gallon of water for 5 days. OK did that, then I followed it up with a one time dose of probiotic. It's a few days later, I've been watching them and I still have one with super runny red/brown poop.

I started the Corid again but I'm feeling very discourage that I haven't been a good mother. You know, you want to do the best you can but you know that it's really out of your hands at a certain point.

Sooooo is there anything else I can do? Should I seperate the one chick from the rest. Should I start getting comfortable with the fact that I might lose 1 or more.

What should I have done different?
We are having the same thing. One chick died, we had another one come down ill, nursed her through the night began a Corid treatment the next morning (about the same time we noticed the runny poo of the color you are describing). Gave probiotic treatment then a round of electrolytes. All are doing great now but still have the occasional runny poo. I did a little research and I think this is just cecal poop and it is normal. Here is where I found some info!

The stinky runny brown poop is cecal poop and is normal about every 8-10 droppings. Here's the poop chart to take a look at:
I dealt with Cocci last summer and it was brutal. I did notice that when you see a bloody poop it is usually too late. The first signs are chicks looking sleepy, ruffled, standing alone and huddled in a corner. Then you see the bloody poop and it is too late, they will start to die. I treated them with Corrid and had to force feed some of the ones who were worse off. The meds start working right away.

Later in the summer I bought some younger birds from a lady at a swap and they presented the same signs. Obviously I thought they had Cocci again. Lost two of them before I figured out they were riddled with worms. They present the same sometimes.

Aside from the poop are they presenting any other signs?

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