Coccidiosis Help!

If you think it is coccidia you need corid. Use it for 5-7 days, wait five and then repeat. This is to get the adults now and what ever else hatches in the next 10 days.

Do not delay. Coccidia is very painful in their gut. They feel very sick, don't won't to eat or drink and can be dead in as little as 4 days. search on here for other info there is a u tube video that shows what birds look like from day 1 to day 6.

Move that coop at a minimum, put them in garage or something. 85 degrees is ideal. Hand feed them. No extra electrolytes or vitamins because it interferes with corid.

I have no idea what red fire ants can do but my imagination is thinking, yuck and ouch. Protect your chicks. If the ants are that bad, stop hatching until they get under control.

Don't forget to repeat the corid 5 days after the first dose keep them on the medicated feed.

Good luck
HELP! I almost lost one of my girls to Cocidiosis in June. She got very thin and I spent two weeks treating her with Corid, antibiotic shots, and hand feeding. And the vet had to tube feed her a few times as well. She got better, gained weight, started laying, and everything seemed to be looking good. The last stool sample showed some coccidian, but much less than previously and the vet said she might always show some in the stool and that we didn't need to treat her as long as she continued to improve. Fast forward three months.

Now she isn't looking good again. She stopped laying. I weighed her on Sunday because I though she felt thin, and she had lost several ounces since her last weigh in 3 weeks ago. I immediately started her on Corid, just to be safe, even though I haven't seen any bloody stool. I thought she was looking a little better but I weighed her again this morning and she has lost an additional 4oz since Sunday and is now only 2lbs 13oz. This is day 5 of 0.012% Corid solution in water. She ate a little scratch from my hand this morning, but I don't really think she is eating her pellets at all, and I saw her drink on Tuesday, but not sure if she is drinking enough because her comb is starting to look dried out. She has some interest in treats, but obviously isn't eating enough. My chicken vet is on vacation but checking e-mail so I have a message in to her. At this point, I don't know what to do. How much longer should I continue the Corid? Should I up the dosage? I'm assuming this is Coccidiosis again since I don't see any respiratory signs, her crop feels OK (I think) and I don't think she is egg bound. I think I am going to have to give her food/water by syringe starting when I get home from work. Does anyone have any suggestions?
HELP! I almost lost one of my girls to Cocidiosis in June. She got very thin and I spent two weeks treating her with Corid, antibiotic shots, and hand feeding. And the vet had to tube feed her a few times as well. She got better, gained weight, started laying, and everything seemed to be looking good. The last stool sample showed some coccidian, but much less than previously and the vet said she might always show some in the stool and that we didn't need to treat her as long as she continued to improve. Fast forward three months.

Now she isn't looking good again. She stopped laying. I weighed her on Sunday because I though she felt thin, and she had lost several ounces since her last weigh in 3 weeks ago. I immediately started her on Corid, just to be safe, even though I haven't seen any bloody stool. I thought she was looking a little better but I weighed her again this morning and she has lost an additional 4oz since Sunday and is now only 2lbs 13oz. This is day 5 of 0.012% Corid solution in water. She ate a little scratch from my hand this morning, but I don't really think she is eating her pellets at all, and I saw her drink on Tuesday, but not sure if she is drinking enough because her comb is starting to look dried out. She has some interest in treats, but obviously isn't eating enough. My chicken vet is on vacation but checking e-mail so I have a message in to her. At this point, I don't know what to do. How much longer should I continue the Corid? Should I up the dosage? I'm assuming this is Coccidiosis again since I don't see any respiratory signs, her crop feels OK (I think) and I don't think she is egg bound. I think I am going to have to give her food/water by syringe starting when I get home from work. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Read this whole thread, and see if you can message Kathy casportpony (sp?) for more info, if needed. I had to keep dipping my girls' beaks in their water every hour or so to get th to drink. You patiently dip quite a few times until they drink, being careful to keep the water level below their nostrils.

Squirting liquid in their mouth can drown them if you get it in that hole in the middle of their throat, so search for the pics that show exactly how to do that if you can't get her to drink enough by dipping her beak.

The dose you're giving is for a moderate outbreak, so you may need to increase it as per the chart in the linked thread.

But, she may be sick from something other than cocci, I don't know.
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You need to get her fluids. Try watermelon. Take her pellets and soak them in water and mash it up.

Next time you are at Vet get them to teach you and give you supplies to tube feed. I am not sure which post was referenced above but there is one that gives you very detailed description.

Keep us posted.
Well bad news. My little Polish guy didn't make it. I had him euthanized today. I thought he was doing great a week ago and I don't know what happened. Possibly Coccidia again, although I don't know how he has been on medicated feed and still inside.
He lost 20% of his weight last week and he was half the weight of his sister.
The last 3 days he was not able to move about at all--he never did walk again but he scooted.

I am sad but I did everything I could for him. I learned a lot too.
Sorry for you loss.

I cannot believe I am having to post questions again on here. Our big girls are now almost 22 weeks old and we got our first egg yesterday. Our little girls are almost 13 weeks old. The big girls live in the big coop and the little girls live in the chicken tractor that is inside the run. That way they all get face-to-face time, but nobody gets hurt in the process. We have started to let the little girls mingle with the big girls and are close to moving them in together. Today. I noticed bloody stools in the little girls area. One of our big girls is also having green watery stools. We went through coccidiosis with the big girls awhile back and ended up treating everyone and it looks like we will be treating everyone again. A few questions:

1. We will be using Corid again and have read to not eat the eggs until treatment has been over for a week. What do we do with the eggs? Can we feed them back to the chickens?

2. Our chickens have not been wormed. What can we use at the same time as Corid, just in case we also have worms or to use as a preventative treatment? Can eggs be eaten then as well with wormer medication?

Thank you in advance.

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