Coccidiosis... I in HOT HOT MUGGY Florida.


Mar 7, 2015
First time chicken lady. I started with 6 chicks (6 days old) back the first of March. We lost one the first month. I wasn't sure why, she just kinda stopped thriving. One of my buffs starting sleeping all the time 2 weeks ago and not hanging out with the others. I noticed runny mucus poop about the coop. I did some research and it sounded like coccidiosis. I headed to the feed store and the guys steered me to Sulmet. I isolated the sick hen and treated her for 3 days, to no avail. She never recovered and took her last breath in my lap. I treated the rest of the flock as a group as well then took to the coop as if Martha Stewart was coming to visit. The coop was cleaned out completely with my concoction of white vinegar mixed with drops of peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils. The floor was sprinkled with food grade DE then fresh clean shavings. The run was totally raked out and all toys and tools were also sterilized. The dirt baths were removed, cleaned and replaced with clean play sand. The run floor was also given a sprinkle of DE and a bit of sand. The waterers were sterilized and refilled. The nipple waterer with the mystery slow leak was removed until totally repaired. The kids sprinkled fresh cut basil, rosemary, lemon thyme and mint everywhere! This coop and run were so clean, poop and fly free and uber fragrant that I thought about camping out there myself. THEN...two days ago I noticed some runny poop on the deck and my big girl Ramona, the New Hampshire Red, sleeping while the rest of the flock was eagerly foraging about the yard. She let me pick her right up without a chase. Once I confirmed it was Ramona's yucky poop I brought her in and started treating her with the Sulmet. We're on day two. The poop in her bin is now mucusy and "wormy". Not actual worms in it, but shaped like snotty worms.. and the smell is gagging. Not like regular coop poop stink. Her demeanor is noway as bad as the buff I lost last week, but I'm hoping I caught it early enough to save her. How do I know when it's safe to let her return to the coop? I had her in the yard while cleaning out her bin today and the other girls just clucked away as they all stood beak to beak through the hardware cloth trying to reach her. Can she just go back in and I can assume the others are immune? I know she's miserable being apart from them. It's soooo hot and rainy here right now. It's almost impossible to keep the coop totally dry with our crazy thunderstorms. I swap out the wet shavings every other day. I live in suburbia with only one other neighborhood chicken lady down the street. I've got a great local feed store but it's not like I'm on a farm with lots of farm animals. My coop is visible from my raft in our swimming pool....and the chickens wander over and have attempted to hop on a raft from time to time.The Wyandote and Leghorn have contests flying over the shallow end.
Someone please guide me a bit please. If it's coccidiosis, when does it end? If it's not, then what else is it?

Thanks so much,

I'm not sure why the people at the feed store gave you Sulmet and not Corid. Sulmet only treats 2 kind of cocci, Corid treats all of them. I would buy Corid. 2 tsp of liquid per gallon, 1.5 tsp of powder per gallon. Give them the water for 5-7 days, and see if they get better.

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