Coccidiosis or something else? (Poop pics inside)


Jan 2, 2023
Hello fellow chicken lovers! All of my 9 pullets (Black Jersey's, Mystic Onyx, and Olive Eggers) are about 6 months old and one of them has gone broody as of 2 days ago. I came out to check on her and pull her out of the nesting box and found 3 bloody poops in the chicken run. It has been storming badly here so they have mostly been confined to their run for the past 4 days (usually they free range for 1-2 hours daily with my supervision). I got them from Rural King and was assured that they were all vaccinated for coccidiosis so the bloody poop is scary and shocking.
No one except for miss broody is acting unusual, but even she is not acting sick, she is still eating and drinking and pooping and I even found her outside the box acting normally today and she is active and curious when I let them free range today. I don't see any injuries to any vents and have never observed any bullying from any of them.

Could this be broody related? Also, they have been eating some tomatoes recently (cherry and purple Cherokee) but no stems or leaves from the tomatoes.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you 🙏

EDIT: Just wanted to add that the broody pullet is fluffing and preening her feathers a lot more than normal not sure if this is normal. She is also making sounds I've never heard before, like small quiet clucks that is pretty cute. It's possible she is not even broody, this is my first time owning chickens so this could be something else entirely, but based on her obsession with the nesting box I assumed it was that.


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I doubt that any chicks that Rural King or other feed stores sell, have been vaccinated. It costs more for vaccines, and many people do not want their chickens vaccinated. You could call the store, but I would either get Corid, or watch for more blood. Could they have eaten something red that might have looked like blood. Worms may also be a cause of blood in the droppings. Make sure their bedding and nest boxes are clean and dry with fresh bedding. Coccidia thrives in warm damp bedding and conditions.
I doubt that any chicks that Rural King or other feed stores sell, have been vaccinated. It costs more for vaccines, and many people do not want their chickens vaccinated. You could call the store, but I would either get Corid, or watch for more blood. Could they have eaten something red that might have looked like blood. Worms may also be a cause of blood in the droppings. Make sure their bedding and nest boxes are clean and dry with fresh bedding. Coccidia thrives in warm damp bedding and conditions.
Thank you for this info! I called my hometown Rural King I bought them from and they claim that they only sell vaxed chicks that are vaxed for Marek's and Coccidiosis, and only the turkey, ducks, quail, guineas etc are not vaxed at all. I did feed them medicated feed when they were chicks...maybe should not have done that, idk ugh.
I have been giving them watermelon and purple Cherokee tomatoes and cherry tomatoes from our garden so it could possibly be just that, hopefully. Also I did observe poop from my possibly broody bird and it was completely normal so idk if it was her. I will continue to watch out tomorrow and if I see more bloody stool then I will treat with corid. Thank you again for the advice!
Unfortunately I woke up this morning to these poops and it's worse than it was yesterday. I am going to get Corid now and a chicken vitamin I found recommended for after their course of Corid.

What do I do afterwards to ensure this doesn't happen again? The floor of the run is just dirt, does this increase the likelihood of coccidiosis?


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I’m a 1st time chicken owner as well, pullets just 7wks. Non vac chicks, fed medicated feed til now(50# bag) & now started non-med food. Hope your girls are ok! FYI-mine have been out 2 wks, Fed watermelon, strawberry, cherry, rasp. Worms etc as well as foraging and no stool issues so I can’t help. I’ve bought Corid, etc that chickens may need so I have almost everything on hand - from the looks of todays stool, YES, something needs to be done immediately. I personally would start Corid asap. Good luck!!
I’m a 1st time chicken owner as well, pullets just 7wks. Non vac chicks, fed medicated feed til now(50# bag) & now started non-med food. Hope your girls are ok! FYI-mine have been out 2 wks, Fed watermelon, strawberry, cherry, rasp. Worms etc as well as foraging and no stool issues so I can’t help. I’ve bought Corid, etc that chickens may need so I have almost everything on hand - from the looks of todays stool, YES, something needs to be done immediately. I personally would start Corid asap. Good luck!!
Thank you so much for your response - I'm glad that I can rule out tomatoes or watermelon as a possibility. I started giving them the Corid this morning - 2 of my birds are really not looking their best. Very pale combs and waddles and one is not interested in even mealworms as they usually are 😭 I gave them both some of the Corid water mix in their mouth directly by syringe..I hope it works.

I have 2 kinds of chicken feed on hand and both have vitamin b12 in them, unfortunately. Does anyone have any recommendations for chicken feed that doesn't have b vitamins in it? I read that b vitamins with negate the Corid. I'm devastated that this is happening and it's all I can think about 💔
If you have a dirt floor, I would keep it bone dry, pick up droppings, or get some pine shavings and cover the floor. Stir it often, and add more as needed.

You don’t have to avoid feed with thiamine (b1) but just avoid giving extra vitamins? Do you have the Corid liquid or the powder? You can give undiluted Corid 0.1 ml per pound once or twice a day to give a boost to the sickest birds. If you have the powder, to make the strong liquid, mix 1.5 tsp in 2 tsp of water, and that it the same as undiluted liquid Corid.

If they were vaccinated for coccidiosis, feeding them medicated feed with amprollium will negate the vaccine. So you are wise to go ahead and treat them. The dosage of Corid to use is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. Let us know how they get along.
If you have a dirt floor, I would keep it bone dry, pick up droppings, or get some pine shavings and cover the floor. Stir it often, and add more as needed.

You don’t have to avoid feed with thiamine (b1) but just avoid giving extra vitamins? Do you have the Corid liquid or the powder? You can give undiluted Corid 0.1 ml per pound once or twice a day to give a boost to the sickest birds. If you have the powder, to make the strong liquid, mix 1.5 tsp in 2 tsp of water, and that it the same as undiluted liquid Corid.

If they were vaccinated for coccidiosis, feeding them medicated feed with amprollium will negate the vaccine. So you are wise to go ahead and treat them. The dosage of Corid to use is 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5-7 days. Let us know how they get along.
Thank you so much for your replies, I truly appreciate your advice so much.
It has been so hard to keep the run dry because it's constantly raining here, so tomorrow I will get mulch to cover the floor of the run, I hope that will work to improve the run. In the meantime I cleaned out the run and coop and have been monitoring and scooping out all poop from the run and coop.
I got the liquid Corid and put out 2tsp in one gallon of water for the whole flock and then gave my sickest chicken direct undiluted Corid as suggested in your last response. Unfortunately I read it as 1ml instead of .01ml and got nervous so gave her half of that, .5ml orally via syringe. I'm so worried about her being overdosed, I will see how she is doing in the morning but am seriously stressed about this situation. Coccidiosis is definitely a bad time.
Ok so to give an update here - it's been about a week and a half since this Coccidiosis nightmare started and 2 of my birdies were doing very poorly, their combs and waddles were nearly white and they were pooping just straight blood. One of them wouldn't eat or drink, so I had to give her the meds and water via syringe...well the blood finally stopped after about 30 hours on Corid. By the third day, they looked MUCH better and now the color has fully returned to their combs and waddles, they are acting normal, and they started laying eggs again! Such a relief! I also got a massive carport that I put over the run to prevent rain from getting in and potentially causing anymore sickness.

I feel like I read somewhere that after the 7 days of Corid, you half the dose to 1tsp per gallon for another week. Is that necessary? I have been doing that but want to start the vitamin ASAP since the Corid impacts thiamine.

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