Cochin is losing quite a few feathers?


Mar 13, 2015
Long Island, NY
Over the past week, my cochin has been losing a lot of feathers. They just seem to fall right out, and immediately start growing back in. She seems to be acting normal, and there are no visible bald spots. She'll be one year old in about 3 months.

Is it okay that she appears to be going through a soft molt in May? Should I dust her for mites?

She is currently being treated for a light case of scaly leg mites, I'm not sure if that's relevant?

Even tho they are 'supposed' to molt in the fall at around 18 months old....they don't read the books...hahaha!
I've had a 9 month old go thru a molt in mid winter...have had a few molt in spring/summer too.

If feathers are just falling out and new ones are growing in, and she is otherwise healthy(eating, drinking, pooping, active as usual) it's probably just a molt and not parasites.....but it never hurts to check for bugs.

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