Cochin sexing? What to look for? UPDATED PICS


8 Years
Aug 2, 2011
Midway, GA
I am looking into getting a couple cochin/barred rock mixes. They're super pretty but with the "fluffy butt" chickens I really have a hard time telling whether they have hackle/saddle feathers.

These are approximately 15 weeks old. One (closer to the camera) seems to have a more reddish comb, but the other I can't tell (and my partridge rocks girls of the same age are starting to redden up also). I've asked for pics of their heads but it's the seller taking pics and the chicks have been picked through as the ad was posted at the beginning of October.

Any ideas are GREATLY appreciated!!!

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I am not an expert but we have had cochins both large and bantam and usually by 15 weeks the cochin roos are pretty obvious. The ones we have had matured pretty early as far as comb size and redness. That picture doesn't really show their combs but from what I can see I think they may be pullets. I also can't see any typical roo hackle feathers (pics are not really helpful here either) from these pics, again I think there should be some obvious signs of those already. Hopefully you can get the seller to take a profile head and neck shot of these two ... that would be helpful. Maybe someone else can help more. Good luck deciding what to do
The cochin and cochin mixes I've had always show their gender really early on (like week 2-3) - they get HUGE red wattles! If you don't see big red wattles, then you've got ladies for sure.
Soooo I'm hoping these looks like girls who are thinking about laying???

ETA: This is actually a pic of the mother hens

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