Cock : Hen ratio?

Pico de Gallo

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 18, 2012
Our January visitor is becoming a resident: all the neighbors love him, our chickens tolerate him, our rooster is totally subdued (sub-dude?), local cats are simultaneously terrified/fascinated and life in general seems more colorful this Spring!

I've already cleared a small dogrun (~20x10') for a temporary pen/secure roost, as we'll be freeranging them after the initial holding period.

I'm about to buy at least one peahen. I've just located some 9 mo old hens for $50 a piece (decent price?). How many would ya'll suggest I start with, and on what considerations should I base my decision?

I'm leaning towards two right now. If I buy a single hen I might risk his constant advances aggravating her to death. Two would spread his attention quite nicely.
two up to 6 , peahen not like chicken they pick the male . peacock not like a rooster that just rapes the hens, he win the hen over by his displaying

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