Cockerel at 3 weeks?


6 Years
Apr 6, 2015
Portland, Oregon
So I picked up this "girl" and wondered if it's too soon to call it a boy. It's taller then the nine others in the brooder. It's a SLW. Huge tail feathers already. But this biggest reason I ask is because it is SO aggressive! Flutters around the box and lands on the other chicks, pecks, even chest bumps already. My goodness. What do you all think?



I think it might be too early to tell, because it kinda hard to see how big the comb will be. Maybe post a pic when he's bigger and i'll be able to tell. If it's really aggressive though, that might be a way to tell if it's a rooster.
I think it might be too early to tell, because it kinda hard to see how big the comb will be. Maybe post a pic when he's bigger and i'll be able to tell. If it's really aggressive though, that might be a way to tell if it's a rooster.

It is SUPER aggressive. Never seen a chick fly around and "tackle" other birds. Already chest bumping others at 2 weeks? Sheesh. And it's very big. Taller than all the others of the same age.

I seem to be very good at choosing the boys. ;)
It is too young to determine the gender, but it isn't looking like a cockerel yet.

Thanks Rhodebar Lover. So, development of tail feathers (they are almost an inch long) at 2 weeks for a SLW and aggressive behavior and being taller than all the rest still is not a factor?

Now that I think about it, I imagine each breed has its own temperament and personality. I'm just amazed when I watch it--so big and fast and seems to love being bossy/controlling to the others.

hahahaha you all are too funny. If I was any good at waiting, this would be a non-issue. :D

But I keep watching her and I'm so amazed at how "bossy" she seems to be lording it over the others. Hahaha. I definitely don't want a roo after giving away three roos last week. Time will tell I suppose. My last roos all crowed by 10 weeks of age (with full red combs and wattles).

And I can't believe I've become obsessed by my birds. They are addicting! :D

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