Cockerel stomping vs pecking


Aug 5, 2023
I have a established (young) flock. It has one cockerel and we have 9 even younger chicks (6 weeks) that we keep separated (in their private run). The main flock has free range, fully for a few acres. Anyways, it is set up so they can see each other (for future integration). It goes as expected, most of the hens patrol and try to "peck" inside but no luck.... our one male, a 15 week, 3 day old Cockerel. Does not peck, but try's to repeatedly stomp on them. (Which he cant). It is funny, as he goes around the enclosure just constantly stomping (like to squish a bug).

All the other chicks, are supposed to be pullets (sexed prior to purchase)


Why the stomping?
If he gets near the chicks (some are close to his size as they are larger breeds) is stomping worse than pecking?
He is never able to hit them, but he is for sure trying to stomp on them. (He is a polish crested, mixed so not too large)
Is this behavior outside the norm of a pecking order?

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Is he actually trying to stomp on them or is he just stomping up to them? Cockerels will often stomp up to a flockmate to square up with them, or just to show that he is the rooster in the flock.
Is he actually trying to stomp on them or is he just stomping up to them? Cockerels will often stomp up to a flockmate to square up with them, or just to show that he is the rooster in the flock.

This I don't know, I ended up just waiting a week or so and around 8 weeks let them free range (I keep them separated in the coop at night). But they have free range of the forest during the day. He seems to be slower then them, so only have to really watch during feedings. I just poke him on the back with my pointer finger, if he tries to chase them off, tends to stop it and he will go back to eating after a SQUAWK. Idk if its the right thing to do, but works. He may have been stomping up to them, I never let them get close enough to find out if he would actually try to squash them, so maybe just stomping up to them. He is just now, hitting his full blown hormonal state... if he gets worse and I don't like him this way, I will like him as a sandwhich.

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