cockerel w/ crooked neck

I have edited the link I posted as it should have been pdf and not pd... the link now works if you would like to try again. You can try giving this bird some peanut butter and also activated charcoal (use the one for children) as it may help and will not hurt.
OK, it has been over a week and there is no change. My little roo can lift his head but spends a lot of time with it down under his tummy. He kind of walks backwards when his head is down until he bumps into something. Sometimes that causes him to roll over frontwards. He eats and drinks. I've given him the supplements and everything suggested.

If it is botulism, how long before he gets better or dies? Will he get better or is this like permanent damage? No other birds have come down with this malady. I have been starting to think it is an injury instead of an illness. I suppose if he hurt his neck somehow it could take a while to heal.
If it is a head injury it can take a long time for may need to supplement and support him for many weeks... I know of many cases where they have recovered and equally ones who have not. It is impossible to say beforehand but if it was botulism (lethal dose) he would have died by now...if you have been giving him the vitE/selenium supplements this should protect from permanent damage in most cases once recovered... just be careful because the selenium is cumulative (meaning at a certain point you must reduce giving it to just a couple times a month and yet give a source of E weekly).
It is all dependent on yourself and how much time you can invest in this bird.
Would like to hear how your bird came out of this. i have two with this problem. both from different hatcheries. different ages and in separate non-joining cages and eating the same feed. The younger batch is on hard wood floor in a shed with shavings and the older group is caged outside on the ground with straw.
My little guy is all better!!

I think he was injured instead of sick. After being in the chicken hospital for awhile with no changes, I put him back in the coop with his friends. Since he didn't die I figured he needed to go back because he seemed lonely.

Now, he is fine. Holds his head up, follows me whenever I go in there, eats and everything.

alaskanhenhouse, I hope your birds get better too! Give the supplements and vitamins a go! It certainly can't hurt.

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