Coffee growns

Can you give chickens coffee growns
I'm assuming you means grounds.

I suppose you could, but I don't know why you'd want to. The grounds would be better off in your garden or compost pile.
You'll probably end up with chickens that stay up all night, or birds that'll want coffee and cigarettes for breakfast.
Spent coffee grounds do not contain much of anything, especially caffeine.

The brewing process extracts most anything harmful.

Excellent composting material, considered a "green". They are a good source of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and contain around 3% nitrogen. They are especially appreciated by worms and acid loving plants.

Fresh coffee grounds...well that's a different story, then NO, as caffeine is not on the recommended list for chickens...
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I wouldn't feed it to them! That said, I pick up kitchen waste from a veggie cafe and sometimes the kitchen scraps are mixed with coffee grounds. I also get grounds myself and sprinkle around yard and garden. Chickens basically know what they can and can't eat. Mine have free range all over the backyard and the compost pile (which also has avocados and avocado skin), but they leave the inedibles alone. I've seen them pick maggots off an avocado with precision....nature has designed heir beaks well for the task....and they don't eat the avocado in the process.
There has been at least one study done on spent coffee grounds as livestock feed. I believe that it was determined that SCGs were suitable as a feed supplement for ruminants only. Increases in milk production in dairy cows was observed. I don't have a link. I'm sure that if someone googled "spent coffee grounds as livestock feed" they'd probably find something. I have all sorts of these kinds of "pseudo facts" rolling round in my head. You know, the kind you're pretty darn sure of but have no recollection of how you got them and nothing to substantiate them.
Ok, I'd never feed coffee grounds to my chickens. Dump them in the garden, yes, compost, yes, even in the deep litter in the run. I grab cans full of them and bring them home with me when ever I get the opportunity. Would I get upset if my chickens ate them? Not at all. Surprised, maybe. I can't fathom for the life of me that they'd be part of a wholesome chicken diet. But... love to see the research if any one finds it.

Ok, I'd never feed coffee grounds to my chickens. Dump them in the garden, yes, compost, yes, even in the deep litter in the run. I grab cans full of them and bring them home with me when ever I get the opportunity. Would I get upset if my chickens ate them? Not at all. Surprised, maybe. I can't fathom for the life of me that they'd be part of a wholesome chicken diet. But... love to see the research if any one finds it.
You YELLED .."NO".
I was just kind of kidding when I YELLED... "WHY??"
Partially because you YELLED and partially because you almost always explain yourself pretty well.

ETA: The OP might be confused when they come back to read all this
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