Cold weather


Mar 14, 2020
West texas
So this weekend is going to be a new one for us here in west texas. Our weather forecast says we are going to be 3°F. Never have I dealt with this. We currently.have 11 laying pullets under a year and 8 3 week olds. I brood in the coop and provide heat for the babies but I'm wondering if I should provide heat for the bigger girls? Their coop is draft free and part of the run is covered. Snow is also predicted for the next few days (not our first time with snow). I'm not too worried about the babies, I'll check on them throughout the days as usual but I'm not sure if I need to do anything extra for the older ones. Thanks.
I'm in north central TX, and we're about to get it here as well. Down to -2 by Monday 2/15. I posted about maybe stacking some straw bales they could perhaps hunker down in.
Hmm, I'm not sure where to get straw bales here. I'll look around. They're production blues, EEs, and red sexlinks. The babies are barred rocks but they're still babies so not hardy yet. 1

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