collecting eggs for a bator hatch


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 9, 2010
Southern TN
I was just wondering if I want to put more than 1 days worth of eggs in the bator, can I save them up for a few days? If so what is the best way to store them?
First, I suggest reading this article. It goes into pretty good detail on storing eggs for incubation and is a great refresher for incubation in general. You don't have to do everything exactly as the article recommends. Many of us do things a little differently and do OK. If you follow what you reasonably can you improve your odds of a good hatch. Following these recommendations exactly does not guarantee a good hatch and violating a few of them a bit does not guarantee a bad hatch. Just do the best you reasonably can.

Texas A&M Incubation site

What I do is take the turner out of the incubator and plug it in, putting it in the coolest room in my house. I then put each day's eggs that I deem good for hatching in the turner. When I have enough to hatch, I put them in the incubator and start.

Good luck! Welcome to the adventure!
Yes you can save them for more than one day. The longer you keep them before you put them in the incubator the lower the hatch rate will be. I have kept mine for three days with no reduction in hatch rate.
Store them in a carton on the counter pointy end down. Use clean eggs that have not been contaminated by "gunk" if you can, do not wash them, and don't handle them any more than you have to. I have heard oil from your hands can clog the pores.

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